Proton therapy for gynaecological cancer

The most precise radiotherapy treatment for gynaecological tumours that reduces the adverse effects on urinary and digestive functions.

Proton therapy is emerging as the best option for radiotherapy treatment of gynaecological cancer.

Because of the ability of the protons to adapt the beam to the size and depth of the tumour, as well as to control and deposit the dose in the tumour bed, with no effect on the output beam, proton therapy protects vital organs such as the kidneys, bladder, intestines and bone marrow in the pelvic area. Furthermore, it reduces adverse effects on urinary and digestive functions.

In case of young women with a gynaecological tumour, proton therapy also preserves hormonal function, which translates into the least possible alteration of fertility.

Do you need us to help you?

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Indications in the early stages of gynaecological tumours

  • Teenagers or young women (to avoid long-term adverse effects).
  • Cancer of the cervix.
  • Endometrial cancer.
  • Ovarian cancer.
  • Cancer of the uterus.
  • Vaginal cancer.
  • Cancer of the vulva.
  • In certain cases, in reirradiation of areas that have previously undergone conventional radiotherapy.
  • Recurrent disease in which surgery is no longer a feasible option.

Main advantages of proton therapy in gynaecological cancer

As a highly complex centre, we have the most advanced technology for the most precise diagnosis and treatment of gynaecological tumours in the shortest time.

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Less toxicity

It avoids short and long-term adverse effects on the surrounding healthy abdominal tissues, minimizing side effects.

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Greater precision

A high-energy beam with great precision in the treatment of gynaecological lesions.

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Greater control

Due to its capacity to deposit the optimum dose in the tumour, it is a treatment option even if the area has been previously radiated.

The technology of the Clinic

  • Multi energy system: It changes the energy very quickly for the sweeping of the next treatment layer.
  • Maximum treatment field: Allows the treatment of large areas of tumour (e.g. cranio-spinal tumours) with less patches, increasing precision and reducing treatment time.
  • Pencil beam scanning: This is the most advanced version of proton therapy administration that deposits the programmed amount of dose in each point of the tumour.
  • Cone-beam tomography: in a 360º gantry, the integrated CT allows the exact verification of the condition of the tumour on the very day of the treatment.

Why at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra

Most gynecological tumors require a combination of therapies consisting of chemotherapy surgery, hormone therapy, and external and intraoperative radiotherapy, all of which are available at the Cancer Center Clínica Universidad de Navarra.

Reference Center

The Clínica Universidad de Navarra is a center of international reference in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, with a long tradition within Gynecological Oncology.

A unique concept

First facility in Spain integrated in an Intrahospital Cancer Center, with all its assistance, academic and research support.

Advanced technology

As a highly complex center, we have the most advanced technology for the most accurate diagnosis in the shortest time possible.