Multidisciplinary areas of cancer

Oncological medical care at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra for the prevention and care of oncology patients at all stages of their disease.

The Cancer Center Clínica Universidad de Navarra organizes clinical care by tumors through fourteen multidisciplinary areas that include the professionals, services and departments involved in the diagnosis, treatment and research of each of these tumors at the two sites.

These areas meet periodically in multidisciplinary cancer sessions to review cases and make decisions by consensus.

Each area has specific care protocols and integrates a personalized medicine program adapted to each one, basic and translational research projects, hereditary cancer programs -in those areas where appropriate-, a line of clinical trials and a retrospective registry of cases.


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Learn about our multidisciplinary cancer areas

<p>Realización de ecografía tiroidea</p>

Head and Neck Cancer Area

Minimally invasive techniques for treatment and reconstruction. We have the most advanced Protontherapy Unit in Europe

<p>Control del embarazo por ginec&oacute;logos y matronas expertos</p>

Cancer Area

Highly specialized multidisciplinary care to provide state-of-the-art individualized treatment.


Gastrointestinal Cancer Area

Each diagnosis is established by all the specialists in the area and the treatment plan is adjusted to the particular needs of each patient

<p>Imagen de un microscopio de una muestra de sangre de un paciente con leucemia&nbsp;</p>

Hematologic Cancer Area

Advances in treatment with immunotherapy and advanced therapies have transformed the care of patients with hematological cancer in recent years

<p>Imagen de cirugía laparóscopica. Departamento de Cirugía General. Clínica Universidad de Navarra</p>

Liver and Pancreatic Cancer Area

Exclusive multidisciplinary area for the comprehensive approach to liver, pancreas and biliary tract tumor pathology, as well as living donor liver transplantation

La madre de Rosi falleció por cáncer de mama y su tía sufrió la misma enfermedad. Por ello Rosi quiso saber cuáles eran sus probabilidades de padecer cáncer de mama, una enfermedad hereditaria en el 5 y el 10% de los casos.

Breast Cancer

Equipped with the most advanced technology to offer an accurate comprehensive diagnosis of breast cancer and the most advanced treatments for our patients

Pediatric Cancer Area

Reference professionals in our areas of expertise (brain tumors, sarcomas and hematological tumors) with the most advanced imaging and molecular diagnostic technology

Skin Cancer and Melanoma Area

Experts in performing Mohs surgery and immunotherapy to offer the best treatments for patients with melanoma and other skin cancers

Prostate Cancer

The most advanced technology and the great experience of our professionals with a multidisciplinary approach focused on the patient and his or her needs

Imagen de un TAC de cáncer de pulmón de la Clínica Universidad de Navarra.

Lung Cancer

We have extensive experience in the administration of the most innovative therapies for the treatment of lung cancer

Thyroid Cancer and Endocrine Tumors Area

Professionals from different specialties working in a coordinated manner to offer each patient the best therapeutic alternative

Urological Cancer Area

A multidisciplinary team that combines surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy with the latest techniques and cutting-edge technology


Sarcoma Area

Extensive experience in the treatment of bone sarcomas with limb preservation. We have a survival rate of around 70% and a limb preservation rate of over 90%

Area of
Tumors of the Central Nervous System

Coordinated multidisciplinary teams with more than 20 years of experience and the most advanced technology make the Clínica a reference center in the treatment of these tumors