Head and Neck Cancer Area

"There are no effective programs for the early detection of head and neck cancer. Close monitoring is recommended for people with known risk factors, such as heavy smokers and heavy drinkers."


In the Head and Neck Cancer Area of the Cancer Center Clínica Universidad de Navarra we have a multidisciplinary approach, with all the professionals involved in the diagnosis, treatment and care of patients with head and neck tumors in order to offer the best possible treatment.

We have a unit specialized in oncological and reconstructive surgery of the head and neck. We are committed to minimally invasive endoscopic techniques and we are pioneers in the use of robotic surgery to perform more precise surgeries and minimize complications that may arise.

Due to its location, often difficult to access surgically and its proximity to organs and structures sensitive to radiation, proton therapy is an alternative indication for head and neck tumors to conventional radiotherapy, which offers greater safety for the patient.

Since head and neck cancers often have consequences on speech, swallowing, breathing or facial appearance, our team of professionals includes surgeons specialized in restoring complex function and aesthetic reconstruction.


Second Opinion,
peace of mind

Request a second opinion from our professionals with great experience in the diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases

In 3 days, without leaving home.

State-of-the-art diagnosis and treatment for head and neck tumors




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The value of experience

The Clínica Universidad de Navarra has a highly specialised team in brain tumour surgery, with over 15 years' experience. Thanks to the personalised treatment led by an interdisciplinary team, we are able to offer the best alternative to each patient.

Diagnostic speed

The team of specialists of the Head and Neck Area indicates the most appropriate treatment to the patient in less than 24-48 hours.

Imagen de Enfermeria especializada. Área de Cáncer de Mama

Multidisciplinary team

Professionals from different specialties work in a coordinated manner to offer each patient the best therapeutic alternative.

Cutting-Edge Technology

Accurate diagnosis and state-of-the-art treatment for minimal aggression and rapid recovery of our patients.

Imagen de la fachada de consultas de la sede en Pamplona de la Clínica Universidad de Navarra

Why choose the Clinic?

  • Integral evaluation of the patient.
  • Cutting- edge technology.
  • National reference professionals.

Our team of professionals

Proton therapy for cancer

Proton therapy is the most precise external radiotherapy modality, providing better distribution of radiation dose and therefore less irradiation of healthy tissues.

The Proton Therapy Unit of the Cancer Center Clínica Universidad de Navarra in its Madrid headquarters is the most advanced in Europe and the first in a Cancer Center, with all its healthcare, academic and research support.