Comprehensive assistance for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer

More than 40 years of experience at the forefront of personalized medicine applied to cancer.

Proton therapy for cancer

Highly precise treatment that is less toxic and allows treating only the tumor area without irradiating surrounding healthy tissue

Advanced Cancer Therapies

More than 20 years developing the use of advanced cell therapies, both from the point of view of laboratory research and trials and treatments.

<p>Cirugia rob&oacute;tico en otorrinolaringolog&iacute;a</p>

Robotic Surgery

Increased surgical precision, less invasive procedure and reduced surgical complications in the treatment of some types of cancer

Coordinated development of
clinical care, research and teaching in Oncology

Assistance Activity

We are committed to innovation in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer through solid multidisciplinary teams.

Research activity

We develop cutting-edge research, clinical trials and treatments based on the latest technology and evidence available.

Teaching activity

We carry out intense training and education activities for health professionals and biomedical researchers.

A reference oncology center
in the care of cancer patients

Imagen de un icono dorado de un equipo de tres personas.

in healthcare

An oncology care programme based on interdisciplinary areas, personalised medicine and both clinical and preclinical research.

Imagen de un icono dorado que representa el cuidado de la salud.

patient care

As a sign of its foundational identity, care is coordinated by a highly qualified nursing team that closely accompanies the patient and his or her family.

Imagen de un icono dorado de un escáner o TC.


We have the latest technology necessary to carry out precision diagnosis and cutting-edge cancer treatments.

Imagen de un icono dorado de un matraz de laboratorio.


We integrate preclinical, translational and clinical research to prevent and eradicate cancer.

Why a Cancer Center?

A comprehensive and multidisciplinary view of cancer

The mission of the Cancer Center Clínica Universidad de Navarra is to integrate, coordinate and promote medical care, research and training in Medical Oncology through a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to cancer.

Facts and figures

specialists in 14 clinical areas

full-time researchers

new patients diagnosed per year

high impact publications (Q1) since 2021

clinical trials open since 2021

active research projects in 2021

Cancer Center Clínica Universidad de Navarra,
the best option for your medical care

Joint Commission International

Clínica Universidad de Navarra has been accredited since 2004. Accreditation brings the organization's clear commitment to improving the quality of patient care, ensuring a safe environment and working systematically to reduce risks to patients and staff.

One of the 40 best cancer centers in the world

The Clínica Universidad de Navarra is the first Spanish private hospital in the World's Best Hospitals rankings published by the American magazine Newsweek and compiled by the international statistical portal Statista, standing out (39th) among 300 oncological centers and maintaining a prominent position (86th) among the 250 best hospitals in the world.

Imagen logotipo Mejor Hospital Privado de España. MRS 2023

The best private
hospital in Spain

In 2023, for the ninth time in a row, the Clínica Universidad de Navarra, topped all Spanish private hospitals in terms of medical care reputation, according to the Health Reputation Monitor’s ranking.