Breast Cancer

"Breast cancer patients treated in multidisciplinary units with access to the most optimal and innovative diagnostics and treatments have better breast cancer survival."


The multidisciplinary team of the Breast Cancer Area of the Cancer Center Clínica Universidad de Navarra is equipped with the most innovative technology to offer an accurate integral diagnosis of this disease.

Within a week the patient will have the results of all the tests to start her personalized treatment.

Highly qualified specialists in oncoplastic surgery and breast reconstruction techniques staff the area. They are in charge of the administration of modern therapies, such as immunotherapy, and in pioneering treatments to improve the patient's quality of life, such as accelerated partial irradiation, a pioneering procedure in Spain with brachytherapy that reduces the administration of radiotherapy to five days, instead of the usual twenty-five days.

The Breast Cancer Area is the first Spanish hospital to have the highest European quality certification based on the criteria established by the European Society of Breast Cancer Specialists (EUSOMA).


Second Opinion,
peace of mind

Request a second opinion from our professionals with great experience in the diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases

In 3 days, without leaving home.

Advanced diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer




  • Surgical treatment

  • Radiotherapy treatment

  • Chemotherapy treatment

  • Hormone therapy treatment

  • Immunotherapy treatment

  • Other biological therapies


  • Breast self-examination

  • Check-ups from the age of 40

  • Genetic risk

  • Consultations for breast cancer risk assessment

Advanced treatments for better care


Oncoplastic Surgery and
Breast Reconstruction

Our surgeons are specialised in surgical planning for the preservation of as much healthy breast tissue as possible and, if necessary, immediate breast reconstruction.

  • Conservative oncoplastic surgery.
  • Mastectomy preserving areola-nipple.
  • Intraoperative ultrasound scan.
  • Prevention of axillary nodes.
  • Immediate breast reconstruction.

Targeted therapies and Immunotherapy against breast cancer

We have a great deal of experience in administering the most innovative therapies, such as dendritic vaccines that complement standard treatment.

  • Treatments based on immunotherapy.
  • Breast cancer vaccines

Accelerated partial irradiation

Pioneers in Spain in accelerated partial irradiation with brachytherapy, reducing the administration of radiotherapy to five days, instead of the usual twenty-five days.

  • Interstitial brachytherapy.
  • Intraoperative brachytherapy.
  • Intraoperative radiotherapy.
  • Innovative radiotherapy techniques (Proton therapy).

Do you need to request a consultation with one of our specialists?


Comprehensive breast care

The goal of the Breast Cancer Area of the Cancer Center Clínica Universidad de Navarra is to show the patient the vision and the joint and integrated work of the different specialists involved in the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. We work together in order to guarantee the rapid solution to your problem.

Genomic Medicine Unit

We determine whether there is a genetic risk of this disease. If so, we perform a clinical follow-up even when the disease is yet to be diagnosed.

Imagen de Enfermeria especializada. Área de Cáncer de Mama


We have a team of nurses who specialize in the medical care and attention of the patient in order to ensure the best quality of life throughout the process.

Cutting-edge technology

We have the most advanced technology such as mammography for dense breasts and the latest generation of magnetic resonance imaging.

Imagen de la fachada de consultas de la sede en Pamplona de la Clínica Universidad de Navarra

Why choose the Clinic?

  • Integral evaluation of the patient.
  • Possibility of starting personalised treatment 72 hours after the first consultation.
  • High level of satisfaction after reconstruction.

Our team of professionals

Experience in the study of the use of immunotherapy and the development of advanced therapies against breast cancer

Investigation of
breast cancer

The Breast Cancer Research Area has several clinical trials underway at different stages of the disease with the aim of achieving treatments that are more effective.

Participation in these trials provides patients with new possibilities by allowing access to the latest therapeutic advances.

We help our patients to overcome their stories

Their testimonies encourage us to continue improving our services