Why the
Cancer Center
With more than 8,600 patients treated per year, the Cancer Center Clínica Universidad de Navarra has accumulated more than 40 years of experience at the forefront of personalized medicine applied to cancer.
The Cancer Center Clínica Universidad de Navarra (CCUN) is the oncology center of the University of Navarra that integrates, in its two sites in Pamplona and Madrid, the healthcare, research and teaching activities of the University of Navarra as a whole.
It began its journey in 2017 as a joint initiative of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra, the Cima University of Navarra and the Faculties of Medicine, Nursing, Science, Pharmacy and the Tecnun School of Engineering, although they reflect the evolution of more than 40 years of experience in cancer at our University.
Its mission is to integrate, coordinate and promote medical care, research and training in oncology through a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to cancer in order to:
- Offer an excellent clinical practice that puts the patient, and his or her family, at the center of all activity.
- Provide new knowledge that contributes to overcoming this disease.
- To train new generations of professionals with the most advanced medical and scientific knowledge and a marked spirit of service.

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A comprehensive and multidisciplinary view of cancer
We aspire to transform society by curing cancer through care centered on the dignity of the individual and the generation and dissemination of scientific knowledge.
To this end, we are developing a Comprehensive Cancer Center with two sites, Pamplona and Madrid, which will be a reference in Europe and the world in cancer patient care and oncology research.