Skin Cancer and Melanoma Area

"In early localized skin cancer, survival rates are very high, above 80 or 90%. In these cases, surgery makes it possible to control the disease".


The objective of the Skin Cancer and Melanoma Area of the Cancer Center Clínica Universidad de Navarra is the multidisciplinary diagnostic and therapeutic management of the different types of skin tumors.

It is made up of the various teams of specialists involved in the diagnosis and treatment of the main cutaneous oncological pathologies, including molecular biologists, basic and translational researchers, pathologists, radiologists, biochemists, specialists in Nuclear Medicine, dermatologists, plastic surgeons, radiation oncologists and medical oncologists, mainly.

The use of genetic platforms in the tumor samples of our patients allows us to guide the treatment of each one of them in the most precise and personalized way possible to try to achieve the best response with the least possible toxicity.


Second Opinion,
peace of mind

Request a second opinion from our professionals with great experience in the diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases

In 3 days, without leaving home.

State-of-the-art diagnosis and treatment for skin tumors


Treating gynecological cancer at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra


Early Detection

The Dermatology Department carries out different strategies for early diagnosis and follow-up of premalignant lesions and tumor lesions diagnosed in the early stages of the disease.

<p>Imagen personal investigador de la Cl&iacute;nica&nbsp;</p>

Clinical Trials and Advanced Therapies

We have a complete offer of clinical trials with targeted drugs, state-of-the-art immunotherapy treatments such as bispecific antibodies and adoptive cell therapies such as TIL cells. In addition to numerous clinical trials with different intratumoral agents for the treatment of melanoma and other skin tumors.

<p>Enfermer&iacute;a en quir&oacute;fano&nbsp;</p>

Specialized Nursing

Nursing staff with the scientific knowledge to administer the best care to both the patient and his or her family.

Do you need to request a consultation with one of our specialists?

Our team of professionals

We develop several research projects in order to improve the survival of our patients.

Research against
skin tumors

We are particularly interested in the identification of molecular markers associated with the response to different immunotherapy treatments. The aim is to be able to predict which patients will benefit from immunotherapy within clinical trials or with already approved drugs.  

We also participate in different clinical trials ranging from neoadjuvant treatment of melanoma to the latest therapies for the treatment of the most advanced stages of melanoma. We also have different clinical trials for the treatment of the most advanced cases of squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell tumors.