Psycho-Oncology addresses the emotional, behavioral, social and spiritual aspects of cancer patients. It studies the impact of psychosocial and behavioral variables on the disease and recognizes the impact of cancer on the patient and his or her family.
Cancer and its treatments can profoundly affect the physical and emotional well-being of the patient, significantly altering his or her quality of life. In addition to often producing emotional discomfort, anxiety and sadness, cancer confronts the patient and all members of a family in different ways.
The Cancer Center Clínica Universidad de Navarra wants to advance in the humanization of cancer treatment by integrating Psycho-Oncology in the usual care of cancer patients.

Assessment and follow-up by professional experts
Psycho-oncological care includes a comprehensive assessment of the patient and/or family member and a follow-up when necessary.
Individual, couple, family and group therapies are provided.

Quality of life
Improve emotional adjustment, quality of life and psychosocial functioning throughout the disease process.

Coping with difficulties
Reduce distress associated with both the disease and its treatments.

Sense of illness
Address issues related to the search for meaning in the midst of suffering.
meaning in the midst of suffering.

After the cancer
Facilitate the elaboration of issues related to survival.
related to survival.

To avoid communication difficulties between the patient and
patient and his environment.
Workshops and Support Groups

Psychoeducational workshops
How to improve your quality of life during treatment.
Communication with your minor children.
Relationships with your partner.
Communication with the medical team.

support groups
For patients with specific tumors (breast, colorectal cancer, etc).
For cancer survivors: the reincorporation to life after the disease.
To treat the fear of cancer relapse.

Workshops for
family members
Understanding the process of emotional adaptation.
Addressing the psychosocial impact on the family.
Sharing the responsibility of care.
Optimizing communication and the relationship between family members.
Techniques to provide effective care.
Skills to promote self-care.
Do you have any of these problems?
we can help you...
- Problems of adaptation to the disease in all its phases.
- Depression or sadness.
- Exacerbated fear of recurrence.
- Anxiety and phobias.
- Previous history of psychiatric disorders.
- Alterations in body image and sexual difficulties.
- Problems in communication with the environment.
- Family conflicts.
- Lack of hope.
- Genetic risk.
- Difficulties in adapting to cancer survivorship and sequelae of the disease.
- Concerns about the management of minor children.
- Loss of a loved one to cancer.