Breast Cancer Research Area

Breast cancer (BC) is the most frequent oncological pathology diagnosed in women in our environment. Thanks to early detection strategies, 80% of breast cancers are diagnosed in localized stages. However, around 30% of tumors present as disseminated disease or develop local recurrences after current treatments; and even up to 8% of patients who come for consultation for the first time present with advanced stage disease, reducing the curative options in these scenarios. In addition, the triple-negative subtype is characterized by a higher rate of distant relapses in the first three years after diagnosis. This worse prognosis is due to the absence of identified druggable targets, lacking specific targeted therapies in this setting at present.

Even so, the increase in survival experienced in the last 25 years in these patients has been mainly due to a strong development and individualization of systemic therapies. The knowledge of the molecular biology of breast cancer is a key factor for the discovery of new, more personalized and efficient treatments that allow a longer survival with acceptable toxicities for our patients. The identification of new biomarkers helps us to select the best and most appropriate therapies at each stage of the disease, as well as to prevent disabling chronic toxicities. Through a multidisciplinary approach, the research groups of the Breast Cancer Area try to optimize the integral care of patients by promoting clinical and translational research as the backbone of innovation and excellence.

Collaboration with national (GEICAM, SOLTI, SEOM) and international (BIG) reference groups allows us to consolidate the research lines already implemented and develop new strategic lines focused on systemic targeted therapies (immunotherapy, cell therapy and molecular targeted therapy), which we hope will have an impact on the greater survival and better quality of life of our patients.

Lines of research in the area

  • Development of systemic therapeutic strategies with immunotherapy, cell therapy and targeted biological therapies in triple negative breast cancer.
  • Identification of predictive and prognostic biomarkers in the tumor itself, as well as in its microenvironment and in peripheral blood in triple negative breast cancer.
  • Study of residual disease in triple negative breast cancer. Therapeutic resistance.
  • Identification of toxicity biomarkers associated with systemic therapies.
  • Study of the microbiome in breast tumors and correlation with therapeutic resistance.
  • Study of surgical de-escalation in patients with localized breast cancer.

Research activity of the
Breast Cancer Research Area


  • Medical Oncology

Principal Investigator:

  • Marta Santisteban


  • Academic trial to assess the efficacy of incorporating active cell therapy based on the patient's own dendritic cell vaccines in combination with neoadjuvant and subsequent maintenance chemotherapy in patients with high-risk triple-negative and localized luminal B CM.
  • Determination of immune response markers.


  • Medical Oncology

Principal Investigator:

  • Marta Santisteban


  • To study the tumor and its stroma, as well as systemic immunity, in patients who have not achieved complete pathologic response with combination therapy in patients with triple-negative and luminal B CM.
  • Determination of markers of therapeutic resistance.


  • Medical Oncology

Principal Investigator:

  • Marta Santisteban


  • Academic trial to assess the efficacy of incorporating active cell therapy with autologous tumor infiltrating lymphocytes in patients with advanced triple-negative MCC.


  • Medical Oncology

Principal Investigator:

  • Marta Santisteban


  • Academic trial to study genomic changes in the tumor and its stroma in patients with high-risk localized triple-negative CM included in the clinical trial evaluating the addition of vismodegib to conventional neoadjuvant chemotherapy.


  • Non-Coding RNAs in Hepatocarcinoma and other Liver Diseases

Principal Investigator:

  • Puri Fortes


  • To identify tumor antigens in patients with early triple-negative breast cancer naïve to treatment in order to develop tumor-specific mRNA vaccines. Preclinical phase.


  • Medicinal Chemistry Research Group

Principal Investigator:

  • Antonio Pineda-Lucena


  • Study of the microbiome in localized breast tumors and its correlation with the different tumor subtypes, therapeutic responses, residual disease after neoadjuvant therapy, immunogenicity in the tumor and its stroma, and prognostic impact.


  • Heart Failure Research Group

Principal Investigator:

  • Susana Ravassa


  • Early identification of patients who are candidates for developing cardiotoxicity with systemic therapies in order to prevent pharmacological prevention or modify treatment in the future and avoid this complication in the medium to long term.