Laryngeal cancer

"The chances of cure for this disease range from 30 to 90%, depending on the extent."


What is laryngeal cancer?

Laryngeal cancer is a malignant tumour that originates in the larynx, an organ located in the throat whose main function is to allow the passage of air to the lungs and to generate the voice through the vibration of the vocal cords.

This disease is directly related to exposure to carcinogens, with tobacco being the main culprit in 94% of diagnosed cases.

The onset of this cancer is usually associated with progressive damage to the cells of the epithelium lining the larynx, caused by chemical substances such as tar and nicotine present in tobacco smoke.

In Spain, laryngeal cancer has a significant impact, ranking sixth in mortality from tumours in men and fourth in potential years of life lost, reflecting its seriousness and the difficulties of treatment in advanced stages.

The Clínica Universidad de Navarra, through its Head and Neck Cancer Department, offers a multidisciplinary and advanced approach to the treatment of this disease.

Our medical team, specialised in oncological and reconstructive surgery, uses robotic surgery techniques that allow for more precise, less invasive interventions with better results for patients.


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What are the symptoms of laryngeal cancer?

Common symptoms of laryngeal cancer

  • Dysphonia
  • Pain on swallowing (odynophagia)
  • pain radiating to the ear (reflex otalgia)
  • Breathing difficulty

Symptoms if the tumour is in the glottis

The glottis houses the vocal cords, so any alteration in this area causes changes in the voice, known as dysphonia. This is the main sign of cancer located in the vocal cords.

Síntomas si el tumor está en la supraglotis

Los tumores en la supraglotis pueden no causar síntomas en estadios iniciales. A medida que crecen, suelen aparecer dolor al tragar (odinofagia), dolor irradiado al oído (otalgia refleja) o disfonía, si el tumor afecta a las cuerdas vocales.

Síntomas si el tumor está en la subglotis

Los tumores subglóticos pueden manifestarse como disfonía por afectación secundaria de las cuerdas vocales o por dificultad respiratoria debido a la obstrucción de la luz laringotraqueal.

Do you have any of these symptoms?

If you suspect that you have any of the above symptoms,
you should consult a medical specialist for a diagnosis.

What are the causes of laryngeal cancer?

Laryngeal cancer is closely related to smoking and the amount of tobacco consumed.

Carcinogens present in tobacco smoke cause genetic alterations in exposed cells, leading to morphological changes known as dysplasia.

Depending on the degree of cellular alteration, dysplasias are classified as mild, moderate and severe (carcinoma in situ).

If the changes progress, the tumour may infiltrate nearby tissues, which is called infiltrating carcinoma.

Prognosis of laryngeal cancer

The prognosis for laryngeal cancer is favourable compared to other tumours, although it depends on the size and extent.

  • Glottic tumours: Their prognosis is better because they are usually diagnosed in early stages. 5-year survival varies between 90% and 95% for small tumours, and 50% for larger tumours.
  • Supraglottic tumours: Five-year survival ranges from 80% in small tumours to 50% in larger tumours.
  • Subglottic tumours: These tumours have the worst prognosis, with a five-year survival of less than 40%.

How is laryngeal cancer diagnosed?

Diagnosis is mainly made by a physical examination by a specialist, who assesses the location and extent of the tumour, as well as the possible involvement of adjacent cervical lymph nodes.

The clinical study may be complemented by imaging tests, such as magnetic resonance imaging or computerised axial tomography (CT). Confirmation of the neoplastic nature is made by biopsy.

How is laryngeal cancer treated?

Treatment of laryngeal cancer is mainly based on surgery and radiotherapy. The choice depends on the location of the tumour, its extension, cervical lymph node involvement, the patient's age and personal preference.

  • Small tumours: Can be treated with conservative surgery or radiotherapy, achieving similar cure rates.
  • Intermediate tumours: When total removal of the larynx is necessary, options such as hyperfractionated radiotherapy or chemotherapy combined with radiotherapy may be considered.
  • Advanced tumours: The usual treatment includes radical surgery followed by postoperative radiotherapy.

Where do we treat it?


The Head and Neck Cancer Area
of the Cancer Center Clínica Universidad de Navarra

In the Head and Neck Cancer Area we have a multidisciplinary approach, with all the professionals involved in the diagnosis, treatment and care of patients with head and neck tumors in order to offer the best possible treatment.

We have a unit specialized in oncological and reconstructive surgery of the head and neck. We are committed to minimally invasive endoscopic techniques and we are pioneers in the use of robotic surgery to perform more precise surgeries and minimize complications that may arise.

What diseases do we treat?

Imagen de la fachada de consultas de la sede en Pamplona de la Clínica Universidad de Navarra

Why at the Clinica?

  • Integral evaluation of the patient.
  • Cutting edge technology.
  • Expert professionals who are a national reference.

Our team of experts in laryngeal cancer